Monthly Archives: October 2013

Budget Planning Sheet for Grant Applications

Here is a “budget planning sheet” you may find useful. It has been my guide for years. It is a list of all the funding categories you might possibly need to be sure you include all required items for your project. It forces you to think of everything. It is an excel spreadsheet and it automatically adds everything up so you can keep track of what your budget request will be when you finally submit your application.

Describing Project Activities in Your Narrative

We have talked about demographics, statistics about your school that help you demonstrate need for the funding you seek. We’ve set the stage for writing the successful proposal you know you can submit to a foundation. You now have a working skeleton or outline to lead you to next steps. Your goals have been set and defined.

We’ll talk today about the how. What activities will you devise to move from concept to success? This is where you start to justify your budget, you can’t provide an activity schedule without the funds for materials and supplies, and the curriculum programs you have identified that will best solve your problem. The step is 6B, Proposed Activities.

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Current Grant Opportunities – October 2013

1.    BOKS Activation Grant from the Reebok Foundation
2.    Nurturing Children Grants from the New York Life Foundation
3.    Bank of America Foundation Educational Grants from Bank of America Foundation
4.    Community Initiative Grants from the Kresge Foundation
5.    Let’s ALL Play Partnership from the National Inclusion Project
6.    Program Grants from the Annenberg Foundation
7.    The Victor C. Clark Youth Incentive Program from the American Radio Relay League Foundation
8.    Anthony Robbins Foundation Grants from the Anthony Robbins Foundation
9.    Arthur Patch McKinlay Scholarship from the American Classical League
10.  IWP Foundation Educational Grants from the Innovating Worthy Projects Foundation

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